Monday, May 19, 2008

New Danish Study on the Effects of Cell Phones on Pregnant Women and Their Fetuses

A joint U.S.–Danish team has reported that young children born to mothers who had used cell phones during pregnancy were more likely to have behavioral disorders, such as hyperactivity and emotional problems.

Using a phone as little as two or three times a day during pregnancy was enough to trigger behavioral issues. The incidence was up to 80% higher among those children who had also used cell phones by the age of seven. The survey, carried out in 2005-06, found that 30% of Danish seven-year-olds were already using a cell phone, though less than 1% for more than one hour a week.

These new results will appear in the July issue of Epidemiology. An electronic copy of the paper has already been posted on the Internet.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Australian News Broadcast on Cell Phone Radiation and Brain Tumors

This is a very interesting video from an Australian news channel about cell phone radiation and brain tumors and cancer.