Friday, April 25, 2008

Health Minister in India Requests Study on Ill-Effects of Cell Phones

After reflecting on studies by Australian neurosurgeon Dr Vini Khurana, officials in India have decided to launch their own cell phone study.

In his research, Khurana says heavy usage of cell phones for a period of 10 years or more doubles the chances of brain tumour. It also, he adds, has larger public health ramification than asbestos and smoking.

Meanwhile, Dr Rajeev Ranjan, a neurology expert at Sir Gangaram Hospital, says, “EMR rays in general cause irritation, concentration lapses and in many cases even proliferation of cells which cause cancer.” Particularly at risk, he says, are those with pacemakers which the EMR can interfere with.

Dr Anshu Rohatgi, another Delhi neurologist, says, “Electro magnetic radiations, in general, affect the DNA and cause problems in cell recovery and cell growth.”

For the complete article, go to