Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Canadian Report on Children Using Cell Phones and the Link to Brain Cancer.

This report comes from a Canadian news article about cell phones and the risks of brain cancer to children.

After watching any of these videos on this site please remember our Feb. 27, 2009 post with the video from Chris Zambounis of EMC Technologies. This post shows you how using a hands free (Bluetooth or wired head set) can be worse than putting the phone to your head.

Part 1 of Canadian Report on Cell Phones,
Brain Cancer and the Risks to Our Children

I thought this report was well done. It shows how countries around the world look to protect and inform the public about the risks and hazards of radiation poisoning from cell phone usage.

Part 2 of Canadian Report on Cell Phones,
Brain Cancer and the Risks to Our Children

I know it's off the subject, but if you are interested in the research on Immunizations and Cancer, feel free to contact us by signing up at our website and sign up for our newsletter. Or just email us at for a direct response.

Your health and safety is our concern.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fertility, Children, and Cell Phone Use

A lot of people trying to have children and wanting to know why things aren't going the way they want may want to watch these videos.

Video one is on male fertility and how cell phones can impact the production of sperm.

Video two has information about how cell phones could be linked to behavioral problems in children.

Dr Natan Bar-Chama - Director of Male Reproductive Medicine and Surgery at Mount Sinai Medical Center

Cell Phones and Infertility in Men

He says," The electromagnetic waves... those are the waves that are transmitted from these.. cell phones that are currently much more powerful than we had in the past."

"If you look at the phones that you carry now that are capable of doing Internet browsing... and high end Internet activities.... that comes at a price. And that is an increase in frequency, also an increase in electromagnetic waves, which we know in animal models can cause damage to the brain."

The reporter asks, "It said in the report that it depends on where you carry it also, what does that mean?"

Dr. Natan, " That most people carry their cell phones in their pocket, and for men, that is quite close to where sperm is being produced."

"The electromagnetic wave injury can come from the direct damage to the DNA from these waves. a thermal effect."

The reporter asked, "How long do you have to be carrying a phone.... or how many hours a day for it to impact a man's sperm count?"

Dr. Natan, " We don't know....this is really the first study to show that prolonged usage, as they defined is greater than four hours per day could have an effect on concentration..... "

Reporter asked, " Does this mean being on the phone, or just having it on?"

Dr. Natan, " That is a good question.... We don't know...The data questioned these individuals, and they reported using the phone for that period of time.

Now that didn't take into account where the phone was located or what type of phone they were using."
This Next Video:

Researchers find Pregnant Women who use cell phones are 54% chance of having children with behavioral problems. Radiation may not be the cause.

Doctor Jennifer Ashton OBGYN

A study of more than 13,000 pregnant women.

Dr Jennifer Ashton states, "this however is a reputable study in a solid journal with big numbers. They looked at 13,000 pregnant women and followed their children over a 7 to 10 year period.

And this came out of research done at UCLA and as well as in Denmark.

And what they found is this increase in the instance of behavioral problems to women who use their cell phones more than 2 to 3 times a day.

Now all of us know that's not really that much this day and age.

And the only thing this study did not show is mechanism by which that could have happened.

So right now it has to be interpreted with a little bit of caution. However if they are able to elucidate the mechanism by which this occurs this might be a very significant finding."

The Reporter asks, "What happens to the children?"

Dr. Ashton, "Well, they have difficulty with their conduct, with behavior, with some emotional problems. And the theory is that, even that it is low levels of what we call non-ionizing radiation that we get from our cell phone. That that may somehow, have an effect in the brain, that may not mannifest for a time down the road.

Now the only confusing thing here is that the key point with radiation exposure, even the low levels that come from a cell phone are that you need both intensity and frequency, and the site, or proximity of that exposure to the target is very important.

So obviousely if your holding a cell phone thats quite a distance from the pregnant uterus, but if your doing that 20, 30, 40 times a day, even thoe the levels might be low the effect might increase.

The reporter says, "Yes, and there are a lot of women who will hold the phone down, you know, lower and use an ear piece up here so the reciever could actually be by the baby.

But now they are not sure that it's radiation at all.

( they go on talking about could it be the mothers are just ignoring there children while on the phone).

At this time they are saying this might be equivallent to the potential harmful effects of tobacco and alcohol to a pregnant woman.

The reporter asks, "You're and OBGYN this is your area. Would you advise any newly pregnant woman that would come in to you and say What should I give up? Would you say watch the cell phone use.

Dr Ashton, "The take home point and it's so important that you ask that, is that we have to minimize the bad, or harmful exposure when we are carrying a fetus, and and try to maximize the good.

You can't walk around on egg shells and live your life in a plastic bubble. But as our technology evolves you might start seeing more of these effects.

So like we say in medicine "Things in moderation"

The reporter says, Moderation in this case may mean less that 2 to 3 times a day.

Dr Ashton says, That's right.


Orit and I have been studying the effects of cell phones, immunizations, and our food system and the relationship it has to autism, and children's disorders.

What we have found is, the relationship of cell phones to behavioral disorders seems to be connected to the heavy metals, and toxins used in immunizations. plus the conaminants in our food system.

The heavy metals get stored in the fat of the brain. The cell phones seem to radiate the heavy metals creating in simple turms, a short curcuiting effect. Therefore when children are in the presents of wifi, cell phones, or heavy electronics, like going to best buy or some place like that, the children go nuts.

We post these things for you to be aware. We are focused on Cell phones in this blog, so the immunizations and food products are something that we would address in one of our other websites or blogs.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dr Ronald Herberman Cell Phone Radiation Warning

Dr. Ronald Herberman,Director of the University Of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and the UPMC Cancer Centers

Issues a Warning to all his 3000 Faculty and Staff

"Recently I have become aware of the growing body of literature linking long-term cell phone use to possible adverse health effects including cancer. Although the evidence is still controversial, I am convinced that there are sufficient data to warrant issuing an advisory to share some precautionary advice on cell phone use.

An international expert panel of pathologists, oncologists and public health specialists, recently declared that electromagnetic fields emitted by cell phones should be considered a potential human health risk. To date, a number of countries including France, Germany and India have issued recommendations that exposure to electromagnetic fields should be limited. In addition, Toronto’s Department of Public Health is advising teenagers and young children to limit their use of cell phones, to avoid potential health risks."

Keith here, People constantly think there is no risk or casually give it some thought that brain cancer could come from their cell phone, however the surgeons who work with cancer on a daily basis are running scared.


Because they don't want to look like fools when the epidemic hits.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dr Devra Davis

Dr Devra Davis PhD, MPHDirector, Center for Environmental Oncology at the University of Pittsburgh Institute

A reporter from Canada went to Washington to speak to Devra Davis, who studies the causes of cancer.

When asked by a Canadian Reporter who had handed her a cell phone designed for kids, the reporter asked "What do you think of that?"

"I think it's appalling, it's really appalling."

When asked "Why?"

Dr. Davis says, "Because I don't think it's a good idea to microwave your kids heads."

Reporter, "Even if you are not positive it will cause tumors?"

Dr Davis - "No...No... I just think there is enough going on.. you want children to develop without impacting their brains." "This is direct" (holding a cell phone to her head)...." there is nothing subtle about this, it's direct." Again holding the cell phone to her head.

The video below is Dr Davis on Larry King Live on CNN talking about the dangers of cell phones.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Cell Phones Compared to Cigarettes

Dr David Carpenter is the Director for the Institute for Health and the Environment at the University of Albany.

When asked by a reporter why he is concerned about cell phone usage, he states:

" There has been a fair amount of research on this subject that has come out over the last several of years. But the evidence is growing."

"It still isn't absolutely proven. But when you use a cell phone the radio frequency is the same kind of radiofrequency that drives your micro wave oven. That will cook your potato."

"Now our standards are set to avoid excesive heating, as you would have in a microwave oven."

"But results from Scandinavia, particularly, and also a new study from Israel, show that people that use cell phones regularly, for 10 years or more, are more likely to get brain tumors, tumors of the poratid gland, salivary gland, that's on the side of the face, or tumors of the auditory nerve than people that do not use cell phones."

The reporter asked him "Are we looking potentially at an epidemic of brain cancer?"

Dr. Carpenter replies, "Precisely. That's what our concern is."

"Dr. Carpenter says, " An rather than repeat the dangers that we..... the problems that we had with smoking and lung cancer. We feel... those of us in the public health community, that at least we need to send the message out now."

"You can't walk down the street without seeing every 10 year old on their cell phone. It's a status symbole. It's something that's cool. And kids are spending enormous times on cell phones."

"The childs brain.... their brain is developing, but also, their brain is smaller, and therefore the exposure to a child's brain is greater than that in an adults brain."

Dr Carpenter suggests:

  • That you use a land line when ever possible.

  • Hold the cell phone away from your body.

  • Don't use cell phones when you can use a land line.

  • Respect the fact that radio frequencies may cause very serious diseases.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cell Phones and Brain Tumors with Video of Dr. Charlie Tia

Dr. Charlie Tia A preeminent Neurosurgeon in Australia, Specializing in Children's Brains.

In a report from Australian News, they reported that there was a 21% increase in childrens brain tumors.

Charlie states, "Apendamoma's seem to be increasing in incidence in children."
"I think the EMR, mobile phones, and other electrical appliances may have something to do with what we are seeing."

When the reporter asked him, "What advice do you give your children?"

Charlie said, "alright.... this is a very sore point. My daughter just got a mobile phone, and I was so... against it. It was a real sore point in the family."

Reporter: "How old is she Charlie?"

Charlie, "She's 12"

Reporter, "So she's in that vulnerable age."

Charlie said, "Oh...very vulnerable, her brain is still developing. And I'm really upset that she's got one."

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cell Phones Lowering Sperm Counts

Dr Natan Bar-Chama - Director of Male Reproductive Medicine and Surgury at Mt Siani Medical Center

Cell Phones and
Infertility in Men

He says" The electro-magnetic waves... those are the waves that are transmitted from these.. cell phones that are currently much more powerful than we had in the past."

"If you look at the phones that you carry now that are capable of doing internet browsing... and high end internet activities, that comes at a price. And that is an increase in frequency also an increase in electro-magnetic waves. Which we know in animal models can cause damage to the brain."

The reporter stated "It said in the report that it depends on where you carry it also, What does that mean?

Dr Natan " That most people carry their cell phones in their pocket, and for men that is quite close to where sperm is being produced."

"The electro-magnetic wave injury can come from the direct damage to the DNA from these waves. a thermal effect."

The reporter asked "How long do you have to be carrying a phone.... or how many hours a day for it to impact a mans sperm count?"

Dr Natan " We don't know....this is really the first study to shown that prolonged useage as they defined is greater than four hours per day. Could have an effect on concentration.....

Reporter asked " Does this mean being on the phone or just having it on?

Dr Natan " That is a good question.... We don't know...The data questioned these individuals and they reported using the phone for that period of time.

Now that didin't take into account where the phone was located or what type of phone they were using.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Cell Phone Radiation Research part 1

Getting to the truth about cell phone safety is not always easy.

Nor is it popular.

Using independent labs you can see the real picture of what really is going on in your body.

An independent lab in Australia EMC Technologies investigated the safety of cell phones using Bluetooth or hands free technology for a TV show in Australia called Today Tonight.

In the video Chris Zambounis of EMC Technologies states:

“It is not always made clear, that when you use a phone in your pocket for example, that the radiation levels are much higher than they ought to be.”

“The antenna is usually at the back of the phone, so when it is used at the head most of the energy is transmitted away from the phone towards the base station."

"However if it is used in the pocket, say with a blue tooth hands free adapter, the antenna ends up close to the body and most of the energy is absorbed by the body rather than going to the mobile phone tower.”

Chris Zambounis tested four mobile phones for Today Tonight and it seems the more expensive the phone, the worse the level of radiation it emits.

Today Tonight purchased a cheap phone the:

  • Sage Vodafone 226

And three expensive 3g band mobile phones:

  • Sony Ericsson W910 I
  • Telstra HTC Touch Dual a50
  • Nokia E65

Using a one million dollar robot EMC conducted a test of the electro-magnetic radiation coming out of the phones in the body worn position. Like when you put the phone in a chest pocket or trouser pocket when the back of the phone is facing the body.

The results were astonishing.

On the 1800 Mhz frequency band three of the four phones failed the legal safety limits of 2 watts per kilogram of body tissue.

  • The Nokia E65 tested 3.35 w/kg, one and half times the normal standard (legal Safety Standard is 2 w/kg).
  • The Telstra HTC tested 2.46 w/Kg (legal Safety Standard is 2 w/kg).
  • And the Sony Ericcson W910 I tested 2.16 w/kg (legal Safety Standard is 2 w/kg).

At the 2100 Mhz frequency band two phones didn’t pass.

  • Nokia E65 measured 5.84 w/kg , almost 3 times greater than the safety limit.
  • Telstra HTC measured 2.92 w/kg , one and a half times the safety limit.

The only phone to come under the limits was the cheap Vodafone.

Chris says “These safety standards have been set by world experts, when you use a phone in the pocket the safety limit will be often exceeded.”

Chris Zambounis believes the manufacturers get around their legal responsibilities by recommending a spacing limit between the phone and the body, between 1.5 cm and 2.2 cm. But the guide line is buried in the hundreds of pages of each phone manual.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cell Phones Recalled Due to Dangerous Radiation Levels

LG has recalled thousands cell phones in Canada. The LG 150 cell phone has been found to produce dangerous levels of radiation, higher than the allowable Canadian limits for safetly.

This is the first time that a cell phone has been recalled in Canada due to excessive radio frequency (RF) radiation levels.

How can you be sure that your cell phone is safe? While it is not really a true indication of safety, it is a good idea to research the SAR of the cell phone you are looking to purchase. The SAR provides some measure of how much radiation a mobile phone produces, and is an accepted standard.

One of the best ways to limit your exposure to cell phone radiation is by using an airtube headset for cell phones, and also by using a cell phone chip.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Scientists Urge Legislators to Research Dangers of Cell Phone Use and Cancer

David Carpenter, director of the Institute of Health and Environment at the University of Albany, has told legislators that the need for further research into the safety of cell phones is needed.

Carpenter, along with Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, have suggested that cell phones "need a precautionary message."

Carpenter questioned, "Are we at the same place we were with smoking and lung cancer 30 years ago?" It took many years before researchers were able to declare conclusively that cigarettes cause lung cancer.

Radio frequencies and radiation produced by mobile phones are especially hazardous to young children. The younger a child is, the more cell phone radiation penetrates the brain.

Research published recently from the Royal Society in London discovered that children and teens who start using cell phones before the age of 20 had 5 times the risk of developing brain cancer by the age of 29.

Most researchers say that evidence is inconclusive, and that they cannot declare that cell phones pose any danger or health risk.

Despite this, numerous countries advise parents not to allow their children to talk on cell phones and to limit cell phone usage.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Cell Phone Radiation May Cause Kidney Damage and Heart Failure

A recent study performed by the European Research Institute for Electronic Components out of Bucharest, Romania has shown that exposure to cell phone radiation causes red blood cells to leak hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin transports oxygen through the body. When it accumulates in the blood, it can cause heart disease and kidney stones to develop.

Scientists discovered that when blood is exposed to microwave radiation, at even lower levels than those produced by cell phones, those blood cells will leak hemoglobin.

Similarly, scientists in Sweden have determined that as little as two minutes of exposure to cell phone radiation can disable a safety barrier in the blood which allows toxins and proteins to leak into the brain.

Numerous studies exist showing the dangers of radio frequencies emitted by mobile phones. Some countries are taking action, issuing warnings about cell phone use.

In France, new legislation will make marketing cell phones to children under 12 illegal.