Tuesday, July 1, 2008

SAR is Not a Good Measure of Cell Phone Safety

The Specific Absorbtion Rate (SAR) is the standard used to measure how safe a cellular phone for your body. SAR measures heating or thermal radiation. In other words, how hot your mobile phone gets while you are talking on it.

These limits are only for non-ionizing radiation like heat, and do not take into account ionizing radiation levels such as those from electromagnetic fields (EMF), power frequencies (ELF), and radiofrequencies (RF).

Blood tests and studies of DNA have shown that emf such as that emitted from mobile phones causes DNA damage. This cellular damage can result in varieties of health problems including stress, headaches, tension,sleep disorders and even cancer.

SAR, the safety standard assumes that EMF causes biological damage only by heating,
but cell damage occurs in the absence of heating and well below the safety limits. It is high time that the government reexamine their safety standards for wireless phones and do something to protect the health of the public.

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Concerned said...
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