Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Cell Phones Increase Risk of Mouth Cancer

Israeli scientist Dr. Siegal Sadetzky of Tel Aviv University has recently published a new study in the American Journal of Epidemiology which reveals an increase in cancers of the salivary and parotid glands (which lie just near the ear) among heavy cell phone users.

According to the study those who use their cell phones heavily are 50% more likely to develop mouth cancers.

We are becoming more and more aware of the dangers of cell phone radiation. Unfortunately, however there is very little information about the radiation emitted from the other wireless phones we use daily. Those are the regular cordless 900 mHz, 2.4 megahertz, and other wireless phones we use in our home and office.

They are convenient, but they, too, emit radiation as does the base station they receive their signal from which is hooked up to your phone outlet. It stands to reason that we should use the same precautions with these phones as we do with our cell phones: limit talk time, use speakerphone or an airtube headset. Get your cell phones equipped with a cell chip for added protection and your cordless phones and base stations equipped with a universal chip.

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