Sunday, February 24, 2008

Effects of Cell Phone Radiation on Children

Children are especially susceptible to the effects of cell phone radiation, and are put at serious risk from the radiation emitted by mobile phones.

According to a 1996 study by Om Gandhi at the University of Utah, radiation penetrates the brain of a child 4.2 times faster than an adult brain. It penetrates the fluid of the eye more than 12 times faster. It penetrates the lens of the eye 11.6 times faster. It penetrates the connective tissue of the eye 11.1 times faster.

Further, scientists have discovered that a call lasting just two minutes can alter the natural electrical activity of a child’s brain for up to an hour afterwards. Radio waves from mobile phones penetrate deep into a child’s brain, not just into the ear.

The soft, developing tissues of a child’s head leave them unprotected, making doctors fearful that disturbed brain activity could lead to psychiatric and behavioral problems and impair learning ability.

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